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EMA’s human medicines committee elects Bruno Sepodes as new chair

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:30 Hrs  [IST]

At its September 2024 meeting, European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Committee for Human Medicinal Products (CHMP) elected Bruno Sepodes as its new chair. Professor Sepodes starts his three-year mandate on 21st September.

A Portuguese national, Bruno Sepodes is a specialist in pharmacology and pharmacotherapy with a master’s degree in Regulatory Science from University of Lisbon, and a Master of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University (USA). He has worked as senior expert for INFARMED, the Portuguese National Authority for Medicines and Health Products, since 2005. Sepodes has extensive experience working with EMA, notably as member and vice-chair of the CHMP, member of the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT), member and chair of the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP), and co-chair of EMA’s Emergency Task Force (ETF).

Bruno Sepodes, new chair of EMA’s Committee for Human Medicinal Products (CHMP), said: “As chair of the CHMP, my number one priority is ensuring the highest standards of medicine quality, safety and efficacy for patients in the European Union (EU).

Together, we will address the challenges and opportunities presented by novel technologies, including complex advanced therapies, the integration of digital health technologies and the use of artificial intelligence.

We strive to facilitate rapid development and deployment of medicines, in particular when faced with health threats. Advancing regulatory science to support more efficient and evidence-based decision making remains crucial to deliver for patients across the EU."

Prof. Bruno Sepodes succeeds Dr Harald Enzmann as chair, who completed the maximum two three-year terms allowed for CHMP chairs.

CHMP is the committee at EMA responsible for preparing and adopting the Agency's opinions on the authorisation of medicines for human use. The committee meets once a month and EMA publishes the agendas, minutes and highlights of its plenary meetings.

The CHMP will elect a new vice-chair at its October 2024 meeting.


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