Dr Nimmy VS, a faculty member of the Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College in Thrissur, has won the first prize in the 56th All India Ayurveda Thesis Competition 2024, conducted by the Kottakkal Aryvaidyasala (KAVS) in Malappuram district in Kerala.
The award carries a cash prize of Rs 60,000 and a memento. Dr. Nimmy is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Dravyaguna (Pharmacology) at Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College. She is an alumnus of the government Ayurveda medical college at Thiruvananthapuram. The KAVS has conducted the competition as part of an annual seminar on Ayurveda, which took place on the 10th of this month at the hospital auditorium. There are three winners for the second prize, and all of them belong to the same department of the same institute. The award is shared by Dr Aswathy YS, a PhD Scholar at the Department of Panchakarma at All India Institute of Ayurveda in New Delhi, Prof Anandaraman Sharma, HoD, and Dr Prasanth Dharmarajan, Associate Professor at the department. The second prize carries a cash prize of Rs 40, 000 and a memento.
There are two gold medals instituted by the KAVS in the name of Aryavaidyan P Madhava Varier. Dr Priya NK, final year student of Panchakarma post graduation course at the VPSP Ayurveda College at Kottakkal has won the first prize and Dr Nisha C, final PG student of Swasthavritta got the second medal. The first gold medal carries gold worth Rs. 35,000 and the second one worth Rs. 10,000.
The Aryavaidyan S Variar Memorial Endowment Prize – 2024 instituted for the best outgoing student from the VPSV Ayurveda College during the year 2023 has been given to Dr Ardra M. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 15,000. The first Aryavaidyan N VK Varier Endowment Prize – 2024 has gone to Dr Swathy, and the second one to Dr. Aparna Gopal, students of fourth year ayurveda graduate course (BAMS) at PNNM Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Cheruthuruthy in Thrissur district. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 8,000 respectively. Jnanajyothi Award 2024 for the best outgoing female student carries Rs. 15,000 and it was won by Dr Ardra M. The Aryavaidyasala also conducted a quiz competition for the students of undergraduate, postgraduate and research scholars. The first prize in the competition was achieved by a team of two persons of the VPSV Ayurveda College, Kottakkal. Dr Deepika V M (2nd year MD, Dravyaguna) and Dr Minu Majeed (final year MD, Manasaroga) are the winners. Second prize has gone to Dr Sophiya Joseph (final year MD, Samhitha) of the Vishnu Ayurveda College at Shoranur. In the graduate level competition, the first prize was shared by two persons. Dr Akshaya Karthiayini M C (final year BAMS) and Dr Shahina (house surgeon). Three persons were awarded the second prize. Dr Anargha M S (final year BAMS), Dr Geethika M K (final year BAMS) and Dr Gayathri T K (final year BAMS).