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Health ministry invites applications for the post of DCGI

Gireesh Babu, New Delhi
Thursday, August 1, 2024, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Union health ministry has initiated the process to fill in the top most post in the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), with the tenure of the current Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) expected to come to an end by February next year.

The Ministry has invited applications from eligible candidates for appointment on deputation, including short-term-contract, to the post of DCGI, in the CDSCO.

The Ministry has sought the cadre authorities and heads of departments to forward applications of eligible and willing candidates whose services can be spared for appointment to the post by deputation, within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.

Officers under the Central and State governments, Union territories, recognised research institutions, public sector undertakings, semi-government, autonomous and statutory organisations, who are holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department or with three years' service in the grade in pasts in Pay Ban 4 or equivalent, or those possessing graduate degree in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry or in medicine with specialisation in clinical pharmacology or microbiology from a recognised university in the country can apply for the job.

In terms of educational qualification, officers with post graduate degree in pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry, microbiology, and pharmacology from recognised university or equivalent, and 15 years' experience in manufacture or testing of drugs in a concern of repute or enforcement of the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules, are also eligible for the post.

The Ministry said that it is desirable that the candidate should have two years' experience in dealing with problems connected with drug standardisation and control and import and export of drugs, and administration of the regulations and rules. It is also desirable to have a Ph.D in pharmaceutical sciences. The period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding the appointment in the same or some other organisation of the Central government shall ordinarily not exceed five years, it said.

"The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 58 years, as on the closing date of receipt of applications," said the advertisement.

Dr Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi, who was the secretary-cum-scientific director of the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), was appointed by the Ministry as the DCGI in February, 2023 and he was given the charge for a period of three years, ending February 28, 2025.

The Central government, during the time said that the appointment of Dr Raghuvanshi will be with effect from the date of his assumption of charge of the post till his attaining the age of superannuation on February 28, 2025, or until further orders, whichever is earlier. He succeeded Dr V G Somani, whose tenure expired in August, 2022 and received two consecutive three-month extensions.


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