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ISCR releases Guide for clinical trial participants on International Clinical Trials Day

Our Bureau, Mumbai
Monday, May 19, 2014, 16:10 Hrs  [IST]

To commemorate the International Clinical Trials Day on May 20, the Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR) has released “Clinical Trials – A Guide for Participants” which provides  responses to commonly asked questions about clinical trials as also guides patients participating in clinical trials on questions they need to ask their clinical investigator.

“Core to clinical research is a commitment to patient privacy, safety and ethics. The Guide we have released is a step forward by ISCR in empowering patients with enough understanding and knowledge on clinical trials so that they can make a responsible and informed decision to participate. Given the misconceptions that exist about clinical research in the country today, we felt it was necessary to provide an objective guide for patients. We seek the media support in making the information in the Guide available to the general public,” ISCR said.

The Guide will also be distributed widely to investigators and medical institutions involved in clinical research. ISCR is also hosting a panel discussion on clinical research in Mumbai in partnership with Tata Memorial Hospital to commemorate International Clinical Trials Day.

International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated on May 20 every year to commemorate Dr Lind’s trial at sea. Dr Lind’s trial was carried out while at sea on board the Salisbury. All scurvy patients were given the same general diet but this was supplemented with various additional items, including cider, elixir vitriol, vinegar, seawater, nutmeg and (crucially) oranges and lemons. In just six days, those patients taking citrus fruits were fit for duty. In this manner, Dr Lind documented the fact that citrus fruits in the diet could prevent scurvy and with this trial, he was regarded as the father of clinical trials.


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