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Homoeopathic treatment can cure subclinical hypothyroidism in children

Swati Rana, Mumbai
Thursday, April 9, 2015, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

A recent research at Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Center, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, proves that homoeopathic medicine can treat subclinical hypothyroidism.  The study was funded by the department of Ayush and facilitated by its autonomous body, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) as well as Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

Dr V K Chauhan, Principal of Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre; Dr R K Marwaha, former head of department, thyroid clinical, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS) were the principal investigator and Archana Narang, project developer and coordinator, Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre; Dr R K Manchanda, director general, CCRH were the co-investigator of the study.

The study was carried out on 5059 children, out of which 537 were identified as Subclinical Hypothyroidism/Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SCH/AIT) patients. 194 patients participated in the randomised control study. In this type of study, people being studied are randomly allocated one or other of the different treatments under the study. The study has been published in Homeopathy, publication of Elsevier.

Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Center provided homeopathic treatment to a group of children diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism with or without autoimmune thyroiditis. It was observed that significant percentage of patients with subclinical hypothyroidism who were given constitutional homoeopathic treatment reverted to normal serum TSH levels when compared to controls (85.94% vs 64.29%, p = <0.006).

Archana Narang said that the study is an exploratory, randomised, placebo controlled, single blind trial. Out of 5059 school children (06-18 years) screened for thyroid disorders, 537 children had SCH/AIT and194 consented to participate. Based on primary outcome measures (TSH and/or antiTPOab) three major groups were formed: Group A - SCH+AIT (n=38; high TSH with antiTPOab+), Group B - AIT (n=47; normal TSH with antiTPOab+) and Group C - SCH (n=109; only high TSH) and were further randomized to two subgroups- homoeopathy and control. Individualized homeopathy or identical placebo was given to respective subgroup. 162 patients completed 18 months of study.

Explaining the result of the study, Narang says “Baseline characteristics were similar in all the subgroups. The post treatment serum TSH (Group A and C) returned to normal limits in 85.94 per cent of homoeopathy and 64.29 per cent of controls (p< 0.006), while serum AntiTPOab titers (Group A and B) returned within normal limits in 70.27 per cent of homoeopathy and 27.02 per cent controls (p<0.05). Eight children (10.5 per cent) progressed to overt hypothyroidism (OH) from control group.”

Dr Manchanda says “This study has given a lead even homeopathy can be a viable solution, at least when the diseases are at early stage. We can treat patients with homeopathic medicine at early stage.”

“The statistically significant decline in serum TSH value and antiTPOab titers indicated that the homeopathic intervention has potential to treat subclinical hypothyroidism in children and may delay the progression of subclinical hypothyroidism to the overt stage,” Narang opined

She further adds, “We have done this study in collaboration with INMAS. We will soon be doing a randomised controlled study on larger sample size on children having autoimmune thyroiditis with INMAS. The project is sanctioned by Govt. of India.”


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Martha Grout Apr 9, 2015 6:49 PM
I would love to see the text of the publication on the report. This is wonderful work, needs to be widely publicized. Will perhaps help some of the nay-sayers to see the error of their scornful ways.
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