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ICMR to hold workshop on measuring oxidative stress in pre-clinical mouse models to boost pre-clinical research

Shardul Nautiyal, Mumbai
Thursday, July 11, 2024, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is organizing a five-day national workshop on "Approaches and Methods to Measure Oxidative Stress in Pre-Clinical Mouse Model" at the ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) in Ahmedabad.

Scheduled from August 5 to 9, 2024, the workshop aims to provide comprehensive training on various parameters and methodologies used to measure oxidative stress in pre-clinical mouse models.

This workshop represents a unique opportunity for professionals and students in the biomedical field to enhance their skills and knowledge in oxidative stress measurement, contributing to advancements in pre-clinical research and healthcare.

“There are only 25 seats available for this specialized workshop, which will be offered to candidates with experience or plans in animal experimentation. The last date to submit filled applications is July 25, 2024. Interested candidates must submit an online registration form available at specified link. Seat confirmation will be communicated to selected applicants via email,” informed an ICMR official.

The workshop will introduce participants to the experimental procedures required to study oxidative stress using biochemical assays and molecular techniques. The course will cover theoretical and practical sessions, including theoretical sessions like introduction to oxidative stress and various bio-markers, oxidative stress-induced pathways, planning of animal experimentation, toxicological models for drug research, introduction to neurobehavioral studies and their correlation with various bio-markers, different assays for vaccine development, etiology of breast cancer, metabolic fingerprinting, cancer epigenetics, sleep quality and inflammation, background, principle, and applications of oxidative stress parameters (enzymatic and non-enzymatic), comet assay/single cell gel electrophoresis, DNA, RT-PCR, and gene expressions.

Practical Sessions will include estimation of oxidative stress indices like SOD, TT, GST, LPO, GSH, CAT, and PCC, Comet assay/single gel electrophoresis, DNA, RT-PCR, and gene expression techniques.

Participants will receive hands-on training and benefit from the expertise of renowned academicians and industry professionals in the field. The workshop is open to students pursuing PhD/M.Sc. in life sciences and biomedical sciences, zoology, toxicology, research fellows, technicians, junior-level scientific staff, researchers, and freshers.


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